Building owners and developers are facing the challenge of what to do with stranded assets — Class B and C office buildings that sit vacant as tenants flock to more modern, amenity-rich properties. While some older buildings can be renovated to increase their appeal, others are more suited for conversion to first-class residential buildings.

To help our clients assess their properties and get the most return on their investment, Gensler developed a creative process to determine how successful a conversion project would be on a given building. In this webinar, Gensler’s Design Resilience Leader and Studio Director Steven Paynter and The City of Calgary’s Manager of Investment & Marketing Sheryl McMullen, show how office-to-residential conversion increased the value of properties across the United States and Canada.

Watch the webinar and download Gensler’s Design Forecast 2022 to discover more trends and strategies for a more agile, resilient, and equitable future.

Steven Paynter
Steven is the Global Building Transformation & Adaptive Reuse Leader at Gensler. Steven led Gensler’s original research team which developed a conversion algorithm for the rapid assessment of existing office building stock and ESG assessment. Widely regarded as an industry leader, Steven focuses on unlocking the value of Class B & C buildings by converting them to residential, shaping the future of cities, and the design of post-pandemic office buildings. Contact him at .