A woman and a man in an office.
A person walking through a hallway.
A room with tables and chairs.
A room with glass walls and a desk with a computer.
A person walking in a large room.
A person standing in a room with a large window and a couch.
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Laurentian Bank

Montreal, Canada

Gensler’s client for over 10 years, Laurentian Bank sought to improve its business practices by consolidating four of its offices — a total of 1,500 employees — into one location. Visioning sessions and surveys of the bank’s leadership revealed top priorities for the new space. The new workplace embraces Laurentian Bank’s strong traditions and company narrative, while the workplace includes a “lean methodology” and a diverse amenity program. A heritage wall at reception highlights the bank’s archival photography and their long-time “piggy bank” program. Started in the 1930s, the program encourages young account owners to save with the gift of a piggy bank. The wall showcases piggy banks from across the decades to celebrate this icon to the company culture.