A photo of Andre Brumfield

Andre Brumfield, Assoc. AIA

Cities & Urban Design Leader, Design Director, Principal

Andre is a global leader of Gensler’s Cities & Urban Design practice. A Design Director in the firm’s Chicago office, he is focused on and committed to revitalizing and repositioning urban environments through urban design, master planning, and architecture. Andre’s broad career experience includes: redevelopment in emerging urban districts; neighborhood and community revitalization; high-density, urban-infill; city-wide master planning; corporate campuses; and industrial centers. He has extensive experience in mixed-income housing and has crafted visionary, yet realistic revitalization plans that have been implemented in economically challenged urban areas. A true urban strategist, Andre has worked with multiple public agencies, private sector clients, and non-profit organizations to develop master plans that shape the future of neighborhoods and cities. 

He is an active member of the Urban Land Institute, working with the ULI|National League of Cities’ Rose Center for Public Leadership in Land Use, and the Vice Chair of the ULI’s national Urban Revitalization Council. Andre is a co-Chair of Gensler’s Global Race and Diversity Committee and recently served on Gensler’s Board of Directors.